Thursday, November 8, 2007

Joining the Club

The club I'm referring to is the Women's Club of IUP. It's a group that started in the 1940s for IUP faculty spouses. Now, of course, it's open to female faculty and staff members as well as spouses. It's fair to say that I have a good amount of time on my hands these days so I decided this would be a good way to keep busy and meet some new people. The Women's Club has book discussions, craft groups, game nights, and community service opportunities: lots of fun activities.

Last night I attended my first event: a coffee in a member's home. The president graciously invited me to ride with her along with a few of her friends, so I didn't have to arrive alone. (I hate walking into situations by myself where I'm not going to know anyone.) As it turns out, I was the youngest woman at this coffee by about 25 years, but they assured me that the club really does have a variety of ages. It was nice to spend an evening in the company of women who possess so much wisdom and so many skills that I don't. And they assured me that my baby will have lots of surrogate grandmas ready to love him or her!

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