A few weeks ago we took our car to get its annual state inspection. It passed, but the technician noted that it was a little sluggish shifting from first to second gear. We had noticed the same thing just the day before. He suggested we get it checked out, said maybe it just needed a transmission flush, maybe it needed something more. So we had it checked out this morning at Aamco. (Is "double A, M-C-O" in anyone else's head?) Turns out our transmission needs to be rebuilt. According to the diagnostic computer, the transmission is having trouble shifting from all the gears. (We haven't so much noticed because I bet it has been several weeks since we drove more than 35mph. Such is life in a small town.)
Besides the monetary expense, which is nothing to sneeze at, we are now facing the slight hardship of being a zero-car family for the next week or so. Fortunately there are few things in Indiana that are not within walking distance, and it's a nice time of year to need to take a lot of walks. We can walk to church. We were planning to go out to lunch for my birthday this weekend, so we can just walk downtown. I can walk to my Bible Study. Zach can walk across town tomorrow to pick up our CSA veggies. And when walking is not an option, such as my Women's Club meeting tonight, it is not hard to find a ride. No one seems to mind driving 500 feet out of their way to pick you up.