Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pregnancy the Second Time Around

Being pregnant this time is a lot different than being pregnant with Austin was. Physically, it hasn't been too different. No real morning sickness to speak of, just random hunger or lack thereof, a bit of pickiness about what I want for dinner. A few more middle-of-the-night bathroom trips, and I am definitely more tired!

It's that last thing, the tiredness, that has made the most difference, because it has affected me emotionally and spiritually as well. I am not superwoman, it turns out. :) I am learning to show grace to myself when housework goes undone because I needed a nap or when Austin and I just chill on the couch with some Food Network because I can't imagine being anywhere but the couch. (As a friend from church wrote on her blog about TV watching with her toddler: "It's not a crime." So thankful for her take on this!) And I am newly amazed by God's grace to me. I was almost brought to tears at the beginning of worship time on Sunday as I pondered how God welcomes me with open arms despite how many times I have slept through my normal devotional time in the last few weeks. He is so kind.

I can't write a blog post like this without mentioning how grateful I am for my husband, the precious man who does the dishes, cooks dinner when I don't have the energy, takes Austin downstairs while he practices so I can have a bit of time to myself, and randomly takes us to Cici's for lunch because he knows how much I love pizza. Love you, honey.

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