Monday, September 13, 2010

Oh no!

I was unloading the dishwasher this morning when I heard the sound of a plastic bowl hitting the floor, with a little voice saying "Oh no, da mok fall!"

Well, as you can see it was a bit more than milk that fell. Luckily Austin had already finished about half his cereal when the accident occurred. He was quite upset so I got him more cereal and cleaned up the mess. Then I went back to the kitchen to resume my task. Minutes later I turned around and Austin had somehow dumped the second bowl of cereal in his booster seat. (I'm thinking his little plastic bowls scoot across the table much too easily as he tries to get a spoonful, perhaps?) Anyway...another cleanup. And it wasn't even 7am yet! Did I mention that in the middle of all this Esther woke up and started crying from upstairs? Sheesh.

But...God works all things together for good to those who love Him. I was aware in the midst of this that here was an opportunity to be patient and loving to my young son, and with His help I think I was.

But maybe we'll have toast for breakfast tomorrow...

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