Thursday, May 3, 2012

Under One Roof

Today our family of six is at home together for the first time! The boys made great progress in the last few days and by Tuesday the doctor and nurses were hinting that our homecoming would be today. I stayed overnight at the hospital again Tuesday night so we could make sure they were gaining weight after being breastfed exclusively for 24 hours. Then car seat checks, hearing screenings, some paperwork, and we were on our way by lunchtime today!

On the way to get their pictures taken in the hospital. Joshua
on the left, Jude on the right.
After putting them in their matching outfits, I started getting really nervous about telling the twins apart. When I look at them side by side they seem slightly different to me but I can't really put my finger on how. So if you were to bring me one twin without the other for comparison, I have no confidence that I would know which one he was. I'm sure that will come soon enough but for now...well, thankfully the hospital left an ID bracelet on each baby so we've got cheat sheets, so to speak.

Can YOU tell who's who?
So far the boys have spent their time at home doing everything babies are supposed to do: eat, sleep, poop, snuggle. Joshua and Jude are pretty good breastfeeders for their gestational age (at least according to the NICU nurses) but they do tend to get tired pretty quickly. I worry a lot that they're not eating enough. But the hospital arranges for a home health nurse to visit you, so in addition to our pediatrician visit next Monday we'll have a nurse visit us tomorrow and maybe once over the weekend to weigh them. That's very comforting.

Austin and Esther seem to like their new little brothers, although I see the struggle to get attention beginning already. Sorry kids, this is the new normal. Austin likes holding a baby and Esther really likes their hats. She is just starting to put two words together, so "baby hat" is a phrase we've heard many times today. Cute. :)

Austin holding Jude
Sweet surprise when we got home. Not sure why Austin was grumpy.

Grandma and ... Joshua?

Mommy and ... Jude?

Wide awake Jude, sleepy Joshua

Holding hands. Awwwww.


Gran Collins said...

So precious! Love seeing all of the pics and hearing about how things went on homecoming day! So glad all of you are "under one roof"! Can't wait to see all of you in person next week!
Love, Gran

Aimee said...

I STILL can't believe you have twins! Crazy! They are adorable and I am so glad that you are all together now!

Lenexicon said...

Yay, everybody is home! I've been thinking about you all, and I am planning to call soon to check in with you. Those boys sure are cute in matching outfits! (BTW, someone recommended painting one boy's toenail to help tell them apart until you're sure you know. Just don't forget which boy got painted!)