Tuesday, June 19, 2012

More of My Four

We found ourselves with four freshly bathed* kiddos on the bed this morning and the camera within reach. Cuteness ensued.

Esther was in a more cooperative mood than last week

She even smiled!

That's Jude in red and Joshua in green, by the way.

Hey, can I hold a baby, too?

Joshua is not super thrilled that Mom and Dad agreed to that request.
But the big kids were trying to soothe the babies really sweetly.

Bonus pictures of the four, not together or necessarily freshly bathed. :)

Esther with "pink baby" and "purple baby." I know, our creativity in naming
leaves something to be desired.

We finally bought Austin a helmet for the trike
he got for Christmas. It is Cars themed so of course
he looooooves it.

We don't usually co-sleep the twins but we tried this out yesterday
during a nap to see if it will be feasible to just take one pack n play
on our upcoming trip. Sweet babies.

*Freshly bathed didn't last long. Before you're a parent you think you'll be dealing with behavior issues like arguing, not picking up toys, etc. No one tells you your biggest struggles might include a little girl who lets her milk/juice dribble out of her mouth and down her shirt. Over and over.


Grandma Susan said...

That last comment about Esther brought a big smile to my face---I guess she hasn't given up that wonderful habit since I was there in May. Only 5 more days till we're in PA---can't wait!

Drollingers said...

adorable! How blessed you are...and they are! loved your announcement!