Thursday, July 24, 2008

Off We Go

Zach, Austin, and I are taking off tomorrow for 12 days in Florida with my parents. Aunt Megan and Uncle Andrew will be joining us for the last few days of the trip. I am really excited about this trip for a couple of reasons. First, Grandpa Russ will finally get to meet Austin! I can't wait to see my dad with a baby--it is a little hard for me to picture right now but I'm sure he'll be a great grandpa. Second, we are going to the same beach (Siesta Key) that my family went to several times when I was a child, and I think it's cool that Zach will get to see the place I have so many fond memories of.

Tomorrow will definitely be an adventure--it will be Austin's first time on a plane (and our first time with a baby on a plane) and our flights are in the late afternoon/evening, which tends to be a fussier time of day for Austin. As Zach pointed out, it's a good thing he's so darn cute--perhaps that will help our fellow passengers forgive him for any crying he may do. I am thankful to all my mommy friends who have given me advice about flying with a baby. I feel as prepared as it is possible to be.

We don't anticipate having internet access much, if at all, while we're there, but I'm sure I will have zillions of pictures and videos when we come back.


Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time!

Love, Jamie

Lenexicon said...

Can't wait to see you guys there!

Sayling the Range said...

Hi courtney--I know you will have already left before you get this, but my travelling with babies advice to you is to take an adult pillow as a carry-on--it makes a great bed for baby to sleep on (more comfy than your lap,) gives your arms a break from just holding him the whole time, and is helpful with nursing on the plane too. I know Aimee takes a pillow along with her also, and has found it to be so helpful...

Drollingers said...

I can't believe how big Austin is already!!! Andrew & I enjoyed watching all of his videos. What a happy baby! Thank you so much for your sweet card in the mail. We are enjoying little Sierra so much and just thank the Lord for His goodness to our family.