Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Videos, etc.

Zach and I took several cute videos of Austin while our family was here last week. It has taken me longer than I'd hoped to get them edited and uploaded to YouTube but they're finally ready. (I'm sure all of you with little ones understand how you start your day thinking something will get done and then it just doesn't.)

Here's Austin having fun with Pops. Do you think the Bonanza music is a nice touch? It was necessary, really, because our air conditioner made it impossible to hear much of anything else. But Austin was laughing and all of us were cheering him on.

And here's Austin having fun with Mommy and Daddy. I love the look of joyful anticipation on his face! It is so amazing to see how he recognizes me and Zach and loves to play with us. He is such a blessing to us!

Here are a few pictures from the last few weeks for good measure.

Napping with Mommy

So happy to be with Gran!

Three Generations of the Collins family

So what else is new with us? Not much, really. I was invited to join a ladies Bible Study that some of my friends are facilitating and we met for the first time this morning. It was wonderful to spend time with some other moms and be able to share what's going on in my life, especially as far as Austin goes, with women who have been there. I was very encouraged by the time I spent with them.

Austin is still sleeping pretty well, although it's been a few nights since he slept seven hours. We're still doing just one nighttime feeding most nights, though; it can happen anywhere from 2AM to 5AM. But here's something that has me a little frustrated--since he started sleeping longer at night he wants to eat about every 2 1/2 hours during the day. Shouldn't he be starting to stretch out his feedings a bit, not cluster them closer together? Any words of wisdom, mommy friends?


Lindsey said...

He's growing fast. I wouldn't bat an eyelash at feedings every 2.5 hours during the day for now, especially if he is sleeping that long at night. My babies have always nursed every 2-3 hours around the clock in the first few months, so I would think since Austin is sleeping all night, he needs to tank up during the day.

Now my current experience is different--Anthony is sleeping longer stretches than I am used to and I find it a little disconcerting, but he otherwise seems okay so I am just rolling with it. And I try to nurse him whenever he wants to during the day, since he is sleeping for longer stretches at night. (Then again, he's two months younger.)

I think you can consider the fact that you are down to one feeding a night progress, and that it sounds like things are going really well with your little guy! Now, I need to go back and watch the videos! :D

Anonymous said...

Every time I log on to your blog, now, I have to play the video of Austin giggling. I can't wait to hear it in person.