Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bible Story

Every night at bedtime we read a Bible story with Austin and pray with him. Here's how it went tonight, with a picture to help set the scene.

Daddy: This is a man whose name

Austin: (pointing) Daw! (dog)

Daddy: is Isaiah. God

Austin: Daw!

Daddy: sent him to tell the people

Austin: Daw! Daw!

Daddy: what they should do. He is called a

Austin: Daw!

Daddy: prophet. Can you say "prophet"?

Austin: Daw!

Daddy: The people are bad and God sends him to tell

Austin: Daw!

Daddy: them to stop being bad. He says that

Austin: Daw!

Daddy: if they don't, God will hurt their country, and wreck their cities, and burn up their houses.

Austin: (laughs)

Daddy: God is sorry when His people sin and

Austin: (laughs)

Daddy: do wrong things. God sends Isaiah to help them stop doing what is bad.

Goodness, I love this little boy!


Gran Collins said...

Too cute! Can't wait to observe this in person! Love, Gran

Grandma Susan said...

We all laughed and laughed. Austin doesn't miss a thing!

Anonymous said...

Very sweet. Sydney also adored the animals in that book when she was younger.

Love, Jamie