Friday, January 14, 2011

A Little Too Much Talk...

...about bodily functions around here this week. Poor Esther; her digestive system does not seem to be handling solid food so well. She has not pooped in days and it is starting to make her uncomfortable. I think I brought on too much food too soon, even though it seems like she eats such tiny amounts. So I am cutting back a bit on the solids and I bought some prunes today. Hopefully she will get some relief soon.

But the bigger news is that we started potty training Austin. It's been a snowy week around here so we wouldn't be getting out much anyway; since Zach's semester doesn't start until next week we figured this was as good a time as any to give it a try. We started Wednesday morning. Two hours in, when we were on the eighth pair of underwear, I started questioning our decision, not to mention our sanity. I knew this process would be challenging but sheesh! The rest of that day and the next improved slightly; I'd say the success rate was 30-40%. Last night I was still questioning if Austin was really ready. But today something clicked. After one tiny accident early this morning, we experienced 100% success for the rest of the day. About half the time Austin told us he needed to go, the rest of the time he went at our suggestion (we've been setting a timer) but seeing him spend all day in the same pair of underwear was pretty awesome. Austin is not staying dry at naps and night yet so we're still putting him in a diaper for those times, but I'll take it. Tomorrow if we're feeling really adventurous we may even leave the house.

In closing, one incredibly cute potty-training-related anecdote: yesterday I said something about Austin needing to pull up his "undies." He said "not Wendies, underwear." Then he went on to say something about "Bobs" and "Wendies." Yep, we've got Bob the Builder on the brain.


Grandma Susan said...

So happy to hear of Austin's success---hope it continues!

emily said...

Hooray! Good for you.