Thursday, January 12, 2012

Animal Sounds

In typical one-year-old fashion, Esther has begun learning animal sounds. For a long time her repertoire was limited to "bah bah" and "cak cak" (for sheep and ducks) but recently "mmm" (moo) has been added and occasionally "onk" (oink).  These animal sounds alone would be pretty cute, but you know what I find really adorable?  That this basic collection of sounds can be adapted to so many animals.  All birds say "cak cak," any animal even remotely sheep-like, such as the gorilla or porcupine in one of our animal books, says "bah bah." I love this learning to talk phase, and what is best is that I'm not stressing about it like I did with Austin.  I have absolutely no idea if Esther is saying a "normal" number of words but I'm enjoying every sweet sound that comes out of her mouth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is such a great blog posting. I love conversation with a one year-old.