Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rough Night

Last night was perhaps among the most challenging Zach and I have endured as parents.  Let me back up a few days. We arrived home from our massive holiday trip on Saturday night around 8pm.  After two grueling days in the car we were ready to just unload the van and relax. But around 8:30 Austin started throwing up and continued to be sick for most of the night.  The next day he seemed to feel better.

But you know how these things are; rarely does a stomach bug stop with one family member. We just hoped the illness would not hit too many of us at once and be as short-lived as it seemed to be for Austin. Not to be the case as it turns out.  Zach started feeling sick around dinnertime yesterday, Esther threw up for the first time right before her bedtime, and it hit me at 10pm.  So you can imagine the kind of night we had.

These kind of nights (which are thankfully rare in our house) teach me so much. That God's power is made perfect in weakness.  To be thankful for a heavy-sleeping three year old who barely stirred through many pajama and sheet changes across the room for his sister. That my plans (unpacking our suitcases, doing laundry, cooking extra meals to freeze) are not as important as I think. The busy week I had envisioned has turned into a rest and recover kind of week. And everything will be okay.

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