Sunday, March 25, 2012

We'd Hoped to Avoid it, But...

...I'm on bedrest now. Friday night I was having contractions that didn't go away even when I laid down so I headed off to the hospital, again. I was expecting to be monitored overnight and let go in the morning but I ended up staying til today. Long, long 36 hours. Despite the fact that my cervix is still unchanged and the fetal fibronectin test (which would detect impending labor) was negative, the doctor decided to administer Betamethasone, a steroid to mature the babies' lungs, just in case I do go into labor really soon. It's given in two doses 24 hours apart so I had to stay in the hospital. And then when he discharged me he told I was now on bedrest.

It's kind of frustrating, because the contractions that sent me to the hospital Friday were not really much different than what I've had for weeks. And all the clinical signs show that I'm not having preterm labor. But he used the phrase "err on the side of caution" several times so here we are. I am limited to the bed and couch from here on out; thank goodness I at least have "bathroom privileges!" Funny, our care group has been reading a book about contentment so I have lots of convicting thoughts floating around in my head. This doctor-ordered bedrest is really a God-ordained circumstance for our good. It is not easy to accept but I know it is part of His plan for these twins and the rest of our family. I am praying for increased contentment.

Before I even thought of heading to the hospital, Thursday was a hard day with the kids that made me realize I needed to cut back my activity even more. So Zach started cutting back his schedule to the bare essentials and I made arrangements for friends to watch my kids several mornings. Now we are in the process of expanding our pleas for help to cover all of the time he is at work. It is so humbling to have to ask for help and rely on others to do so much. I am endlessly thankful to have such a wonderful group of friends here--so many have already stepped up with offers to help.

So what am I going to do with myself? The day and a half I spent in the hospital got a little boring at times, even with lots of TV channels to choose from. (We don't have cable or satellite at home so channel-surfing is a rare experience these days.) And all that downtime was just the tip of the iceberg! Hmm. I've ordered some prints that I'll need to put in albums when they arrive. I realized a few weeks ago that there are some gaps I need to fill in to finish Esther's baby book. I never made a 2011 family video compilation. And I'm sure I'll read a lot. Any cool suggestions for other ways to fill my time?


Aimee said...

Do you ever do Sudoku puzzles? I never used to care for them but I've really taken a liking to them. Also, for Christmas we got the Sudoku-like game called "Colorku" is also a lot of fun and comes highly recommended by the Moore family. Here's the Amazon link to it:

Aimee said...

Oops...well I guess that's not really a link now is it. Oh well. Just type "Colorku" into your search engine...

I'll definitely be praying for you Courtney. I wish we lived closer so we could help...although, at this point in my pregnancy I'm not sure how much help I'd be! =)

Hang in there...remember, it will most likely be quite some time before you have another legitimate reason to sit and work on projects, study, reflect, etc. while others chip in to help with the kids, the cooking, cleaning, etc. Relax as much as you can and ENJOY the time! You could get some serious "catching up" done that may have otherwise been on the back burner for 5-10 years! Seriously!

A friend of mine was on bed rest for the last FIVE MONTHS of her pregnancy! Can you imagine? Well, she became quite a talented crocheter! And her entire recipe collection was organized to a "t"...among other things. So, I think once you dig in to one of your projects the time will pass rather quickly!

Oh and I got the box of clothes in the mail yesterday. Thank you for sending them. =)It was fun to see some of the things again and to see some new things too! I don't remember all of what I sent you but please feel free to pass anything else that I have sent to you on to other friends in PA or to your sister. I have so many girl things that it is good for me to part with things matter how cute they may be.

Well my friend, I am excited that you and I both are so close to having these babies of ours. I just wish we lived closer so we could enjoy this stage of life together on a different level than what the internet has to offer!

And yes, you can thank my current pregnancy insomnia for this message...why else would I be up this early?!

Take care! -Aimee

Lenexicon said...

Ideas to pass the time: give your self mani/pedis using colors you'd never normally wear, "window shop" online and create a wish list (which I'm sure Zach will appreciate for future gift-giving occasions), write cheesy haikus, get hooked on Pinterest, get a bonsai tree and take up pruning it, carve a bar of soap into the shape of a puppy, and take lots and lots of naps. :-)