Saturday, September 22, 2012

On My Side

"The God of the universe is on your side!"

Gina, a friend from church (and mother of five, including twins) spoke those words to me a month or two ago and they have been bouncing around in my head ever since. This parenting twins thing continues to be hard hard hard. I could go on at length about the latest challenges we're facing here, the sleeplessness, etc, but I'll spare you the details. There's always going to be a challenge (haven't noticed my big kids becoming suddenly easy to parent) but good news: The God of the universe is on my side.

Ponder that for a minute. Unworthy as I am, as prone as I am to make selfish decisions, react to the kids in impatience, fail to pray as I ought...God is still on my side. The unimaginably powerful God who created the entire universe cares personally for me. And He did not give us twins so He could sit on the sidelines and laugh at our failures. He gave us twins because it was His good and perfect plan for our family. To bring Him glory. To make us more dependent on Him. To sanctify us. And I have to believe that He is actively helping us through each and every hard moment. Easy to forget sometimes, at 3am when we're listening to a baby or two cry again, but then Gina's words come back to me. God is on our side.

Many mornings following hard nights I have gotten up and sought and found comfort in the psalms. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." (Psalm 46:1) "How blessed is he whose help is the god of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God," (Psalm 146:5) "I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." (Psalm 27:13) I have been on the brink of despair over and over these past few weeks but I am ever thankful that God will not let me go.


Grandma Susan said...

Amen to everything you wrote. You are very insightful and I know your faith will carry you through. I hope I can help give you a break from some of the stress when I am there!

Gran Collins said...

Court, i am confident that God will help you through the difficult times. I am so thankful that God placed this friend in your life and that she shared these words of wisdom with you at a time you needed them. I also believe that God will most likely place you in a situation to be able to share your experiences with someone else or others who need encouragement. Praying for you and Zach and those precious children! Love you!