Sunday, September 23, 2012


Hmm, haven't posted any pictures in a while. Haven't been great at taking them, either, but I think I can find a few. In honor of the twins' five month birthday, let's say.

Grr, blurry, I know. Someday I would like to learn how to really use
the nice camera we bought. I do not know how to get two babies in
focus together. Obviously.

(Lack of photography skills apparent again.) But aren't these the most
awesome shirts? I love geeky humor.
I love love love the following series of pictures. Jude was in the swing a few weeks ago and we realized he was making one crazy face after another. Perhaps he saw himself in the mirror on the other side of the little butterfly?

Austin's first day of Pre-K4. Yes, we still plan to
homeschool, but we decided that this year, with
 the twins severely limiting how much we get out
and do stuff, it would be best for him to go to school.
He loves it so we're quite happy with our decision.
And finally, a video Zach put together (on his iPad, nifty!) from the sports class Austin took this summer through our local parks and rec department. I love it. Classic little boy stuff.


Grandma Susan said...

Where's Miss Esther????

Courtney said...

Running around like crazy and not holding still for any pictures, I guess, Mom. Like I said, we were not good picture takers in the last month!