Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sunday Pictures

Just a few more pictures. And Esther is included this time. :)

Getting better at smiling on cue. Man, I love this
kid more every day.

This girly does not sit still! She was up and down,
up and down, up and down the stairs as we took
pictures. Have I mentioned how much I love having
a daughter?

The "big kids." When I look at this picture I understand why people
are always telling me Esther looks like her brother.

This is how far we've come: Zach took this picture while I was out, I looked
at it for the first time this morning while he's already at work, and I will say
with complete confidence that Jude is on the left and Joshua on the right.
(Hint: look at their hairlines.)

Adorable pile of twins.

Jude says let's be fair; now it's my turn to lean on my brother. And Joshua smiles


Lenexicon said...

They are all so precious! I want to give them all great big hugs. I see the resemblance there between Austin and Esther, though I haven't noticed it as much in person. It sure does come out in that photo, though! And those twins! Ohmygoodness, I want to smooch on them! So round and huggable. I miss all of you! Kisses!

Grandma Susan said...

I love, love, love those pictures. Only 48 hours until I am in Pennsylvania and get to give them lots of hugs and kisses! I can't wait!!!