Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pictures of This and That

This and that meaning my kids being cute, of course. Because that's what they do best. (Or maybe making messes is what they do best. Hmm....)

Esther likes to play with toys in unconventional ways.
Not supposed to be a riding toy.

Meant for babies of the non-real variety.

"Stickers are for paper," we say a lot around here.

Hey, this is pretty close to what the stroller is meant for!
 Austin does not usually amuse himself very well. A bit needy, that child. Unless you give him the big box that a highchair came in and license to do with it as he will. Forty minutes later...

My oldest and my youngest.

Grandmas's first morning here, so naturally the kids were checking out
all the goodies she brought. Esther tried on the big girl panties Grandma
brought her. (No, not potty trained yet. Maybe over Zach's Christmas break.)

Grandma and Joshua.

Jude got a little too comfy in Daddy's lap.

All dressed up for church.

Austin's class went to the pumpkin patch and we all went along. It was the
coldest day of the year so far but we had fun.

Grandma and I each toted a baby.

A four year old was used but not harmed in the taking of this picture. The twins
love their big brother.

Joshua close-up

Jude close-up

Grandma and Grandpa took the big kids to a park just to play in the leaves.
Our yard has no deciduous trees. Cedar needles are just not the same when
it comes to fall fun.

Grandma and Jude. You might notice a pattern...Jude is much more likely to
quiet down and fall asleep in your arms, the swing, etc, than Joshua.

The grandparents are attempting to brainwash our
children into becoming MU fans. It's okay with us. I
probably would have gone there myself if I wasn't a
small-school kind of girl. Everyone around here will just
assume the kids are wearing Steelers gear from the colors.


Grandma Susan said...

Ahhh...such cute many great memories of our time in Pennsylvania. I sure miss Austin, Esther, Joshua & Jude (and their parents, too!)

Ashley M said...

Okay, now listen. Is it just me or do Esther and Joshua look a little similar and then Austin and Jude look similar? Maybe it was just the pictures? Either way, you are one blessed momma!