Monday, October 29, 2012

Ten Ways to Tell the Twins Apart

Inspired by my friend Ashley's recent posts about her favorite things about her husband and sons, I think I will write a little series of "Ten" posts. I'd like to think I'll do one a day for several days in a row, but let's get real. I'll just try to do it by the end of 2012, okay? Attainable goals. I am busily pondering all the things I love about my hubby and kiddos and writing lists in my head for those later posts, but I'll start with something more concrete tonight because people ask about it all the time. Identical twins are, as it turns out, fairly identical. Our babies' heights are the same and their current weights are within four ounces. But as time goes on we are seeing more and more differences. So...

10 Ways to Tell Joshua from Jude

1. Jude has the giraffe paci, Joshua has the monkey. If their clothing has a giraffe or monkey on it, use the animal cues as well.

2. If one baby is dressed in blue and the other in pretty much any other color, Jude is the one in blue. (I follow this pattern as much as possible.)

3. Joshua has a red birthmark on his left side, Jude has one on his left eyelid. (They are less prominent than a few months ago, though.)

4. Joshua has a little freckle on his right ankle.

5. Jude's hair sweeps out to the left and right along his hairline more dramatically than Joshua's. Alas, though, I think Joshua's is starting to look more like Jude's every day.

6. If one baby is crying, it is probably Joshua. Really--by using this clue alone you could guess the twins' identity with about 90% accuracy.

7. As long as they're not crying (see #6) Joshua has a sweet, pleasant look most of the time while Jude tends to look concerned. Their faces do no match their personalities.

8. If the babies are asleep, Joshua is the one on his tummy and Jude is the one on his back.

9. If the babies are eating, Joshua is the one who spits out most of what goes in his mouth. (As of today. I really hope this doesn't last long.)

10. Um...can't think of anything else really if all else fails, ask Joshua and Jude's mommy or daddy who is who. That usually works. :-)

Jude: sporting a giraffe bib, with a slight look of concern; if you zoomed in
you might see the birthmark

Joshua: sporting a monkey bib, looking pretty chill, probably about to spit
out some cereal


Lenexicon said...

Very helpful! Now I just need to get out there and see for myself!

Anonymous said...


In pictures (not in real time), I think Joshua's face looks a bit more rounded. This has actually worked for me for quite a while.
