Saturday, October 20, 2012


We reached a few significant milestones at our house this weekend.

First, with the twins just a few days short of six months we decided to give them their first taste of cereal this morning. Although we haven't been good at all about taking videos of the twins, we did think to pull out the camcorder today. After watching it, I almost decided against editing and posting the video but then I figured, maybe some of you have wondered just what kind of craziness goes on in our house. Grandpa was manning the camcorder, Grandma was taking still shots, Austin and Esther were being their usual busy, let's-get-in-the-middle-of-everything selves, we were Facetiming with Gran in Texas...and oh yeah, we fed the babies. Just a day in the life. :)

The twins were a bit upset at first because they were hungry but they both settled down and ate pretty well. We weren't sure how they'd do since their adjusted age is only four and a half months but I'd call this first feeding a success. So--gulp--here we go with solids. I remember from my other kids just how much time it takes to feed babies in the early days of real food and that was just feeding one! I'll be spending a lot of time in front of those highchairs in the weeks to come!

So the second milestone: Esther climbed out of her crib. You could say she finally crawled out of her crib. We'd seen her swing one leg over the rail a few times but yesterday she finally got brave and went all the way. Austin came downstairs to tell Grandma about it during "naptime" (yeah, obviously not a lot of napping was happening) and then she and I went upstairs and made Esther give us a demonstration. And naturally today I had to get it on video. Austin never climbed out of the crib--Esther is actually getting a "first" all her own!

Zach pulled the toddler bed out of the basement this morning so Esther is upstairs in it now. I'm not sure if I can say she's upstairs sleeping in it right now; I have heard lots of noise from that quarter despite it being over an hour past her bedtime. But she has only gotten out of it once so far (that we know of). Not bad for her first night.


Aimee said...

Cute! I couldn't hear any sound though for some reason. So, did you have three cribs in one room? Or were the twins sharing a crib? Just curious. Lizzie moved to a toddler bed when we last moved (she was a couple weeks shy of 2) and I ALREADY feel like she has outgrown it! I've been starting to look at twin beds on craigslist. I'm wishing we would have gone straight to a twin and put the $100 we spent on the toddler bed and mattress toward that! Oh well, hindsight is 20/20, right?!

Aimee said...

I just watched again with sound. The first video cracks me up. I can TOTALLY relate to the chaos! =)

I showed Jonathan the second video and he said, "Wow, she's a good out climber...I mean climber outer." =)

Lenexicon said...

Esther climbing out is hilarious. She has such a look on her face, like she can't believe you're just watching her do this, isn't she supposed to be getting in trouble? Ha! And good luck with solids for Joshua and Jude! Maybe Austin will want to help with feeding them.

Grandma Susan said...

I still smile when I think of how cute Esther was showing us how she climbed out of her crib. I miss that little girl already!