Thursday, October 25, 2012

Last Warm Days

This has been a beautiful October week, a warm and mostly sunny break from the colder weather. With each warm day I think, is this it? Is this the last day of outdoor comfort before the long long winter? With snow forecast for next week I definitely wanted to get my kids out to run around in the backyard for awhile today.

I told them to run off some energy. Run they did.

Sometimes with a lawn mower.

Mom, do you see that Esther is playing in the dirt? Yes, yes I do. Go ahead
and join her. :) We made time for a bath while dinner was in the oven.

Jude watched the goings on from the bouncy seat on the porch.

Joshua watched the goings on from my left hip. Took a lot of tries to get a
decent shot, holding the camera out to my side as I was.

1 comment:

Gran Collins said...

Glad the weather was so nice! I think your weather will be warmer this weekend in PA than ours will be in TX. Enjoy! These kids are the best! Love y'all!