Monday, November 5, 2012

Ten Things I Love About Zach Today

Okay, it took a few days but here is my second top ten-style post, inspired by Ashley. I realized when I read her posts how easy it is for me to focus on the challenging parts of my marriage and parenting when I'm in the middle of the daily grind. The old sinful self rears its head in complaining and dreams of a perfect easy life. But in reality I am blessed beyond measure by my husband and children and I think it's good to remind myself of all that is wonderful about them. So let's start with my dear husband of 10 years.

1. He is the one person on earth around whom I can be 100% myself. No putting on a front, no pretenses, just me. I hope this doesn't sound like I'm fake around everyone else--I think no matter how genuine you are, there are always things you hold back from people. But not Zach. Zach gets me. He's my perfect complement.

2. No matter how busy he gets with work, I find Zach up early at the kitchen table reading the Bible. Usually on his ipad. :-)

3. No matter how busy he gets with work, Zach finds time to spend with me and the kids. Family is a high priority to him.

4. Zach is good at playing little boy activities like cars, trains, and pretending to be bears. I am not so good at this so our sons are blessed to have him!

5. Zach tolerates my desire to have a neat and organized home and the purchases the pursuit of such a home entails. Like when I came home with a shoe rack for the front hall along with my groceries from Aldi, he smiled and assembled it for me. And now he puts his shoes on it every day.

6. He is a really, really talented musician. I am so proud to be married to someone so dedicated to his craft.

7. Zach and I have lots of interests in common when it comes to entertainment for our child-free time. Watching Mythbusters, The Amazing Race, even Jane Austen movies (this man is practically perfect!), doing the mental_floss quiz, or discussing the Sherlock Holmes we've read lately...all good stuff we enjoy. And he doesn't give me a hard time about not liking 24 or Midlake or Bon Iver like he does.

8. Zach does fun daddy stuff like making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches into the kids' initials. (True example from Sunday's lunch.)

9. Zach enjoys delicious food as much as I do. In particular, he has a sweet tooth to match mine. So he is always willing to indulge in a little dessert with me.

10. Zach listens to me. A lot, because I talk a lot. And he's not just indulging me, he makes intelligent conversation back. He likes to tell me what's going on in his work life, too. His experience as a musician and growth as a teacher and my past experience as a (much more amateur) musician and as a teacher give us a neat set of overlapping interests. We enjoy talking together about that stuff, or just about anything else. We just enjoy life together.


Gran Collins said...

Courtney, thanks for sharing 10 things you love about my son! I am so thankful that he is a godly husband and father. What a wonderful example the two of you are of a godly couple. God had a perfect plan for the two of you and it is so special to see it play out. Love you two and your precious children so much. What blessings you are to me!

Grandma Susan said...
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Grandma Susan said...

We have always thought that Zach was the perfect husband for you and the perfect dad for our grandkids. We feel so blessed to have him as a part of our family!