Thursday, December 13, 2012

Couldn't Help But Smile

As much as I hate to admit it, Esther seems to be starting the long process of dropping her nap. That's in sharp contrast to her older brother, who napped daily til past the age of three and a half and still occasionally (like today) falls asleep during his afternoon "rest time."

About an hour after I put Esther to bed today I heard the sounds of a little plastic piano being played upstairs. I went up and found two things: Esther with a poopy diaper and evidence of almost every toy in the room having been played with. I changed the diaper and sternly told her to stay in bed. A bit later I heard more noise from upstairs. This time when I opened the door I saw her pulling wipes out of the container and wiping her baby doll's bare bottom. "Purple baby was poopy; I change him" she told me seriously. I just had to laugh.

She's downstairs with me now, looking at catalogs while I blog about this sweet memory I want to hold on to. Sure, she needs to learn to obey mommy and stay in her bed, but it's hard to be too upset when she gets up to do such adorable things.


Grandma Susan said...

I love that little girl---she's a hoot!!!

Unknown said...

Sounds very familiar to my experience! All my non-sleepers (children #1, #3, #4) did this around the same age. And no matter how much I want them to obey me, there is no way to force them to sleep! I do have one sleeper, who to this day, will still occasionally take a nap (at age 9!).

Your Ester is cute. :)