Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My Favorite Missing Phoneme

It is fun to hear Esther talk just about all the time, but my favorite thing is when she says words that start with s. Because often she doesn't actually say the s and the results are adorable. How do we like our doughnuts? With "pinkles." How would we describe salsa and other peppery foods? "Picy." Things that are dear to us? They're "pecial."

But just about the best example of this came tonight when we were practicing the catechism questions we've been learning with the kids. The question asks about the three persons that make up the one true God. Esther mumbled through the Father and the Son but then: "the ho..ho..hosy parrot!"

Smile. I love these moments. Little girl, don't grow up!

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Lizzie does the same thing. She likes to "pin" in her dresses, play with "tow white", and she doesn't like to get "pankings". We love it!