Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Funny Story

Now that September is here, Zach has been spending more time than ever preparing for his doctoral exams. Fortunately, IUP's music library has a lot of helpful resources. Zach was there tonight checking out a big stack of books. The girl at the desk made small talk. The conversation went something like this.

Girl: "Wow, what are all these for?"

Zach: "I'm studying for my doctorate."

Girl: "Oh, what are you getting your doctorate in?"

Zach: "Tuba performance."

Girl: "So, how do you like the new tuba professor here?"

This is not the first time Zach has been mistaken for a student--he gets asked at least a few times a week as we meet new people in town. I guess looking young is a good thing, right?

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