Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lots of Cuteness Going On

Zach says it's time for a mostly-pictures post because there's "a whole lot of cuteness going on" around here. I agree so here we go.

Austin is sitting up on his own...

...for at least a few seconds, anyway! A little bit longer every day, I think.

Yesterday I was putting away laundry in Austin's room and Zach mentioned that the laundry basket was one of his favorite "toys" when he was younger. He put Austin in it for fun. Genius! Austin can sit up in it and it doesn't let him tip too much to the side; put some toys in there and he's good to go for awhile. He loved it when Daddy gave him a ride around his room, too.

Do you think maybe Austin is getting too big for his bouncer? (This picture is actually from a few weeks ago. I don't think Austin has sat in the seat since, although it is still sitting there in the kitchen.)

On a slightly unrelated note, I got to do something really great tonight. I went to the grocery store by myself! And the store was really uncrowded because it was Sunday night and most of western Pennsylvania was at home, the Steelers game having just finished. I never would have thought that going to the store by myself would lift my spirits quite so much but there you go. Just one of the ways life changes when you have a baby.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that he's sitting up already! I guess once he figured out how to roll over, he thought "Wow, this mobility thing is really cool!" You better watch out!

Anonymous said...

Cute doesn't adequately describe him. I wish I was there to play with him and give him lots of hugs.
It's way too long until Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

He sure is one adorable little boy! I can't wait to see him in person in 11 days! Woohoo! ---Gran Collins

Aimee said...

There's always mixed emotions when it comes time to put the bouncey seat away (and the swing too!) You're thrilled at the idea of more floor space but bummed that you've lost another means of safe baby containment. Plus it means that your little baby is growing up into a little boy! Austin sure is CUTE! Can't wait to see him in person...someday sooner than later I hope!