Thursday, November 27, 2008

I'll Admit it...I'm Hooked

For years I have said that I would never want a video game system in my home. I grew up without one and sure, I liked playing video games when I went to friends' houses, but I have always felt that they are pretty unnecessary. I would rather my kids spend hours reading or listening to music or playing outside or any number of other activities besides pushing buttons and staring at a screen.

But oh my. I think my feelings may have changed. Bill and Becky (my in-laws; we're in Texas right now) recently bought a Wii. And it is so fun! I am especially hooked on Wii fit. I spent about an hour this morning exploring all the activities and watching the balance in my Fit Bank go up. Man, that little thing is motivational! "Oh boy, I just unlocked 10 reps!" "Great, a new yoga pose!" I would think. And I would just want to keep going.

Now Zach and I certainly have better things to spend $250 on right now than a Wii, but for the first time in my life I am tempted. I never thought I would see this day.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Hm. We are on the same wavelength. I'm basically anti-game systems, personally. Josh has one but I'm not at all into it, and it's fine with me that he will go months without playing it.

But, my inlaws also bought a Wii, and I admit it is totally fun. They also got Wii Fit, and we played it today. Wii is much more fun for a crowd than any other game system!

I was disappointed in my Wii Fit age: 37. :o/ I know I just had a baby 5 months ago...but it's also very true that I'm out of shape. I really wanted that number to be closer to my actual age!!

But to end on a good note--I hula-hooped over 200 loops on my first try! Yeah!