Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Fame Continues

So my loyal blog readers already know how I got my picture in the paper for getting a flu shot. The days following were full of friends and neighbors commenting on my appearance in print. But things like getting a flu shot don't keep you in the spotlight for long.

But apparently this exciting moment in my life was not quite over. Yesterday I got a laminated copy of the picture with a handwritten note from Don White, the Pennsylvania state senator representing the Indiana area. He is glad I got my flu shot and hopes others will do the same to stay healthy this winter. Wow! Perhaps this is just a little technique to butter up his constituents but if so it worked! I immediately felt warm fuzzies for my state senator. I wonder if he does that for everyone whose picture makes it in the paper? That could keep a guy busy, you know?


Sayling the Range said...

That's awesome! Next time you see a news article with his name in it you should laminate it and send it to him...heehee. Happy Thanksgiving!

Lindsey said...

Now that is a riot!