Friday, March 20, 2009


Austin is finally crawling, sort of. We have seen him go a few inches in the traditional style, but mostly he moves like this:

Rolling is also a preferred method of locomotion for our little guy. Can't blame him, really, with all the wood floors in our house. I know my knees have gotten sore from trying to show him how to crawl!
Here are a few pictures from the last couple of weeks.

This is how Austin really likes to move! He wants to stand up all day.

One night before bathtime we gave him a bowl of applesause, a spoon, and a few minutes of freedom. He covered himself in applesauce, ate absolutely nothing, but did put the spoon in his mouth repeatedly. I wouldn't do it every night, but it was fun to watch him experiment with independence.

My sweet baby boy, not looking much like a baby anymore!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too cute! Way to go, Austin!

Love, Gran