Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Days

Perhaps you've heard on the news...the eastern part of the country is getting a bit of snow this month. Our share: around two feet. That is not so normal. Normally we get a lot of snow, an inch or two at a time. Not two feet within a week. IUP, which hardly ever cancels classes, has canceled the past two days. Bonus time with Daddy! Here's what we've been up to while the snow falls outside.

Enjoying some blueberry chocolate chip pancakes; definitely not a normal Wednesday breakfast!

Playing with trucks...Austin is such a boy!

"Helping" Daddy.

Playing outside while Daddy shoveled the driveway, again. Notice the relative heights of Austin and the snow mounds!

Playing with snow in the kitchen.

Enjoying a warm bath at the end of a chilly day. Having already drawn on the wall with his Tub Tadoodles, Austin attempted to draw on his tummy. Didn't work so well.


Anonymous said...

What fun! Austin could just come on down to TX and do some of the same things! We have gotten about 6 inches of snow today (since 3 am) and we are still expected to get more for the next 8-10 hours! Unbelievable! Thanks for sharing the pics of what Austin has been up to! Love, Gran

Grandma Susan said...

I love the pictures of our "winter loving" Austin! Grandma Susan is enjoying a few days respite from the cold and snow in Phoenix (unfortunately inside at a conference). I can't even imagine 2 feet of snow. Please don't send it to us in Missouri.