Friday, February 19, 2010 not good

We have had a casualty of the recent snowstorms: the awning above our front porch. We had noticed that it was bowing a bit in the middle, then this morning we saw that the metal railings were starting to bend. The sun came out this afternoon, though, and I was hopeful that enough would melt to stop the impending disaster. Nope. We had no idea that there was quite so much ice up there--the sheet that came off was about four inches thick.

Zach has never liked this awning much, although he told me this afternoon (after it came down) that it had grown on him. We are already planning to replace our back porch railings this summer, so I guess we'll just expand that project a bit. But in the meantime, what exactly do you do with a collapsed awning? Any ideas?
UPDATE: Here's what you do: you call your insurance agent who says (good news) this will be covered by our homeowners' insurance but (bad news) we have to wait until at least Monday for someone to come take pictures before the awning can be taken down.


Lenexicon said...

Yikes, that looks terrible! I'd try to break it apart and haul it to a dumpster somewhere. Or you can probably call the city about a special trash pickup and they'll haul it away for you. Good luck!

Missouri MOM said...

Wow! I hope it didn't do any damage to your roof as it broke away. Is your back porch roof covered with lots of ice and snow or is it okay? Where is Spring???????