Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pictures, Etc.

We have not been super good at taking pictures for the last...well, year, but April was better, I think. Austin has learned to smile for the camera, which is fun.

"I love my Gran and Pops! And balls. Can I throw this at you?"

Breakfast on the go

Sitting on the couch working on his "laptop"

Austin had lots of fun finding Easter eggs in our backyard

Checking out the contents. We gave him one chocolate egg to try--he took a tiny bite, then quickly popped the whole thing in his mouth with a big grin. Wish we had that on video!

Zach's been doing a lot of work in our little garden patch this month. Austin likes playing in the dirt with him.

So what is Austin like these days?
  • He still loves to sing, although the song of the month is now "Ode to Joy." Kind of unusual for a toddler, huh? We are pretty sure he picked it up after watching Beaker's (from the Muppets) YouTube video.
  • His vocabulary is growing. Words we hear a lot are up, down, bus, mok (milk...or more...use your context clues), bunny, duck (which could be just about any bird), apple (which is applied to many fruits and veggies), and uh-oh. He still seems below average in this area, though. We have considered having him tested for speech delays and still might...we go back and forth.
  • He loves loves loves all the trucks he got for his birthday. He plays with them more than just about anything else.
  • Real trucks are pretty great, too. Like so many other moms of toddler boys I know, we now get pretty excited about driving through construction zones--so much to see!
  • He loves to be read to. This warms my heart more than just about anything else. He will bring book after book to read, and when we reach the end he often wants to go back to the beginning and hear it again.
  • Whenever we hear a siren, truck, plane, motorcycle, etc. he points to his ear and draws my attention to the noise he is hearing. Background noise is not so much in the background to him.
  • Zach and I gave him a Little People Noah's Ark set for his birthday. To him, Noah is "no whiney." :)


Grandma Susan said...

Austin is becoming such a little man. I've got to go stock up on cars and trucks before he comes in May. Of all the bins of toys I saved from you girls, there's not one truck in there---go figure.

Sayling the Range said...

my advice--go get him tested. Not because there's LIKELY anything wrong, but because if there is, then the earlier he starts therapy the more effective it can be and the less he'll probably need it overall. Saylor has had 3 different speech therapists and they have all been WONDERFUL and have helped so much. They gave me all kinds of ideas for helping her with speech/communication at home. It's painless, and all play-based...Saylor loves going! call or email me if you have any questions :) -miranda