Friday, July 23, 2010


I made my first solo trip out of the house with both kiddos yesterday. I know this is nothing to my mommy friends with three, four, etc. children but it was a big step for me. We went to the library. They have a kitchen set and a train table that Austin LOVES so I knew it'd be good for an hour or more's amusement. We made it in and out of the library without any toddlers attempting to run away (Esther was in a stroller, Austin was not) and experienced only one small tantrum when Mommy said it was time to leave the trains and check out our books. Only one reference book was unshelved while Mommy was checking out, and the unshelver was brought back by a request to load the books into the stroller basket. I'd call it a success!


Grandma Susan said...

The first time is the scariest. In no time, you won't give it a second thought. You were only 15 months old when I had to take you and Megan out on errands. Now that was tricky!

Gran Collins said...

Woohoo! Way to go, Courtney!

Sayling the Range said...

yea!! See, nothing to it right?? congratulations :)