Friday, July 2, 2010

The Sweetest Hour

Zach and I got to hold Esther for over an hour today. It was the sweetest hour of my week. She stayed calm the whole time; her breathing and heart rate slowed down slightly and her oxygen level stayed really high. She even tolerated being passed back and forth between me and Zach a few times without showing distress. Plus, she opened one eye for a few seconds--the first time we've seen her eye(s)! What a beautiful day.

In general, the nurses and doctors tell us she continues to do well. The doctor thinks her lungs will begin producing sufficient amounts of surfactant within the next day or so--that is the stuff that allows the air sacs to expand and contract correctly. So hopefully we'll see her breathing rate slow down soon, which will allow us to start breastfeeding. Her bilirubin count is going up a bit each day, so she will probably spend some time under the lights soon. That is common, though--apparently just about all babies in the NICU do that at some point.
We continue to be thankful for all the health and strength she has. Praise God for so much progress!

1 comment:

Gran Collins said...

She is a pretty little girl! Praise God that she is improving each day and we are so glad to hear that you were able to hold her for an hour today! What a blessing! Love, Gran and Pops