Esther is still doing well. Her bilirubin count came down a bit from yesterday on its own, so she may not have to go under the lights. The nurse thinks her breathing sounds better, although the rate is still too high. Her IV got moved to her head, which looks a little sad, but her hands and feet are now free of wires or tubes, except for her pulse oxymeter, which is nice.
Mom brought her new camera, so we got some better pictures than we get with our camera. Esther made some adorable faces for us, and she opened her eyes again! Both of them! Looking in her eyes is so precious.
She is truly beautiful---and, of course, I am not prejudiced a bit! It was so special getting to hold Esther for the first time today. I can't wait until she gets to come home for lots more loving.
She is precious! And I think "Essie" is an ADORABLE nickname! =) Sounds a lot like "Sissy", which is what we call our Elizabeth all the time!
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