Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween (Updated)

Austin loves Bob the Builder. (or "Bob da ba-da," as he says.) It's an unusual day if he hasn't asked to watch a Bob video by 9am. (I don't always say yes, but he asks.) So of course that's what he was for Halloween. We gave him the toolset this afternoon, kind of an early Christmas present so his costume would be properly accessorized.

The bucket is filled with tools. By the end of the evening it had a bit of candy, too. Austin was unusually willing to eat a good dinner tonight when candy consumption was on the line. :)

Esther was a ladybug. My nickname for her is Esther Bug so I really wanted her to be one this year. I didn't find an appropriately cheap/tiny storebought costume so I got (slightly) crafty and made my own. Considering that she wore it for about five minutes, it was a wise choice. She cooperated by laying on her tummy happily while I took pictures.

When I first posted this I forgot to include a picture of Zach in his costume. We made it for the Tubaphonium's performance of Frankentuba, in which all the studio members dressed up. Pretty awesome, if we do say so ourselves.


Gran Collins said...

They are adorable! Great costumes and very cute kiddos! Can't wait to see them in 3 weeks!

Grandma Susan said...

So cute. Glad we could Skype for a few minutes and see all of Austin's new tools...and treats.

The MIL Susan said...

That big kid is pretty cute, too.

Gran Collins said...

Susan, The MOTHER agrees with you that the "big kid" is awfully cute! We have a wonderful family, don't we?