Monday, December 20, 2010


Austin is not so much into art. He would rather load crayons into a dump truck than color with them. But that doesn't stop us from trying occasionally.

We gave finger painting a go on Friday. I thought Austin might like that because of the mess factor. He certainly seems eager to smush food around with his hands (and we frown on that sort of thing, generally) so I thought this would be a special treat. Well...

Do you see the delicate amount of paint on his hands? What you see in the picture is all he did before telling me he was "done now." I spent more time setting up the table than he spent painting. Oh well.

But today we hit on a winner. Apparently Austin is more into paper crafts. He loves loves loves the scissors I just bought him. He cut paper for half an hour. To each his own medium, I guess.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

That is Jonathan to a T! He could care less about painting but LOVES to cut paper (or a box full of stickers when mommy wasn't watching!)into a bajillion pieces with his 'zizors'.