Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Conversations With Esther

At the risk of my blog turning into a list of "cute things Austin says," I'm going to post more cute things Austin said today. (Aimee, the more verbal he gets, the more I understand why you started a whole blog just for this sort of thing!)

1. (in the bathroom this morning, where Esther usually hangs out in a bouncy seat while I shower) "Esser, you paying with toys in bouncy seat?" (then turning to me and Zach) "Esser say yes."

2. (this evening while sitting with Esther in Daddy's lap; Esther was trying to grab his sippy cup) "No Esser, it my cup, you can't have it, it too big for you to drink."

1 comment:

Lenexicon said...

I love it! I adore hearing about cute things kids say. I wouldn't mind a bit if you use your blog to showcase these gems. Austin sounds so smart!