Saturday, March 5, 2011


You might remember me posting waaaay back in January that we were potty training Austin, and I reported that on day 3 things seemed to click.  And I wasn't making it up, he really seemed to get it and for a few days I went around (proudly) thinking that we had a potty trained two year old.

HA!  Pride goes before a fall, as they say.  It wasn't very long afterward that Austin started having a lot of little accidents: he would run to the bathroom but not until his underwear were a little wet.  This happened once or twice a day and as you can imagine it was pretty frustrating for me.  It was especially irritating that it didn't seem to bother Austin at all.  He pretty much stopped ever telling me he needed to go potty, although he would go if I told him to.  So I got pretty good at telling him to go at the appropriate times and some days we managed to stay dry.  I didn't like it but I thought things could only get better.

HA!  Little did I know.  About a week ago Austin started making puddles of the kind not seen since day 1 of potty training.  The I-didn't-even-try-to-make-it-to-the-bathroom kind of puddles, and to top it off he doesn't tell me afterward, I just get to discover him with soaked pants.  This has happened once a day nearly every day in the past week.  And again, he doesn't seem the least bit bothered by this.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Okay, since I can't scream out loud I just had to get that out.  I AM SO FRUSTRATED!  I feel like we are doing all the right things but it's gone from bad to worse.  After two months, we're definitely not going back to diapers but life feels pretty ridiculous.  Based on what happened the first week we were training, I really do think he can recognize his body's signals; I guess it's just not that important to him.

When will this end?


Anonymous said...

Both the boys were 3 1/2 before I even tried. They were old enough to walk down the aisle and pick out the diapers they needed.

But they never had an accident. Ever. And they never wet the bed.

So I say don't feel bad and even if you go back to diapers, dont feel bad.
The frustration to both of you is just not worth it! Plus the clean up is disgusting.

Linda Conley

emily said...

You're right, it is frustrating. I'm sorry friend! I thought I had E trained at 18 months and at a couple months past two we're still working on it. She's getting there though.
As the above comment said I have heard that if you wait until they are over three they will get it right away - that being said I can't imagine changing diapers until mine were three.
So, we press on, clean up the mess, run another load of laundry, train, love, and persevere.
You're such a great mom!

Lenexicon said...

Potty training sounds hard! I read about a baby boot camp for potty training where part of the program was making the kid clean up his own accidents--the theory being that they're not really accidents, but, like you say, an instance of just not being concerned about it. It sounded like it only took one or two incidents before the kid figured out that he didn't want to clean up his own mess and started asking for the potty before wetting himself. I don't necessarily recommend this (what do I know about it, anyway?) but it sure sounded interesting.