Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ten Month Old Esther

  • No official weight, but Wii Fit says Esther is 18 pounds.  Hmm, I'm not sure about that.  I'd guess a bit less.  But her appetite does seem to have increased in the last couple of weeks.
  • I hear that Esther looks like her brother all the time.  I have trouble seeing it but I believe it since it seems to be a fact so widely agreed upon.
  • I have done moderately well with my plan to introduce Esther to more finger foods and foods with more texture.  Bits of bread spread with hummus are a recent new food that has been well received.
  • Esther has gotten into the habit (TOTALLY enabled by me) of waking up in the 5:00 hour for a feeding.  Then she usually sleeps until 6:30 or 7.  (Before I started doing her morning feeding so early she was waking up for the day around 6, if not a bit earlier.)  This new schedule encourages me to get out of bed and shower and read my Bible before Austin wakes up.  But every once in a while I'd like to really sleep in...oh well, can't have everything.
  • Esther has been a great napper this month.  Two naps, an hour and a half each, is now the norm.  Finally.
  • Esther doesn't crawl yet, but when she's sitting up she leans over really far, often landing on her tummy.  She looks like she wants to crawl but nothing so far.
  • Esther waves, sort of.  Not on cue, but she likes to put one or both hands in the air and wave them around.  Since it is usually accompanied by a smile, this move is adorable.
  • Esther loves toys that light up.  (Yes, the battery operated toys whose universality I lamented a few weeks back.)  She gets so excited when things start flashing.
  • Esther says ma-ma-ma and da-da-da and some other sounds. (ga, ba, the usuals)  Zach thinks she says ma-ma-ma when she wants something like food or a nap.
  • Esther is now in Austin's old carseat, the Britax Roundabout.  No more infant seat.
  • Fortunately for me, since she can't just hang out in the infant seat when we're out doing errands, she is really content to sit on the floor and play with whatever I can find to give her.  Example: being totally content playing with the wipes for nearly half an hour in the bank while we waited to use the coin-counting machine.
  • Content though she is most of the time, Esther does get frustrated if she can't have a toy/object she wants.  Like the camera's USB cable she wanted to pull out of the computer as I worked on this post.
  • Whoa, did this month go by fast or what?  Let's slow down as we approach one year!

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