Friday, April 1, 2011

Baseball According to Austin

So baseball season has started.  Not a big deal to me so much, but quite important to certain members of my household.  Well, one member in particular, plus the little ones he's attempting to indoctrinate.

So anyway, Zach has been trying to explain baseball to Austin this afternoon as they watch the Rangers season opener.  Here's Austin's recap of a play they saw: "the man with the ball threw it to the bat man."  It was a "home wun."  And Zach says he's cheering for the guys in red shirts, but Austin likes the guys in black shirts.  It's about time the umpires got some love, don't you think?


Gran Collins said...

What does Austin say about the "claws and antlers"? Lots of those today! Looking forward to Austin's play-by-play at a live Rangers game! Love that little boy!

Zach said...

Don't worry Mom. We practiced the claw and antlers about 45 minutes before game time. I got him to do the claw a few times during the game. I also wore my claw and antlers shirt and he kept talking about the reindeer on the back of my shirt.