Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First Day of School

Austin started Christian Play Day today, his one-day-a-week preschool.  It is very low-key; we are sending him entirely for social time with other kids.  The program is staffed by volunteers so I've heard mixed reviews as naturally a lot depends on who volunteers to teach your child's particular class.  Austin's class is taught by an acquaintance from my MOPS group.  When I learned that last night it was like a little comforting pat from the Lord: "See Courtney, I'm taking care of Austin and this is the right choice."

So far Austin seems to like it but in typical fashion he would not tell me much.  I was out in the hallway waiting during the last few minutes of class which are devoted to show and tell.  I think I heard Austin's voice chiming in to comment on several of the other children's items.  Loudly.  Without regard to others speaking.  Hmm.  Well, he's there to learn that sort of thing.

First day of school = picture time, of course.

I discovered a trick to make Austin give a real smile.
Tell him to say some silly words.  Like "radishes
and rutabagas."  For once I had several cute
pictures to choose from.


Grandma Susan said...

Oh my goodness---he looks so grown up there. Where has the time gone? I hope he continues to have fun at school...and maybe he'll tell me all about it when he comes to visit soon.

Gran Collins said...

I can't believe he is in preschool! He is growing up so quickly! And, what a handsome young man he is! Love the pic! Thanks for sharing!