Tuesday, September 6, 2011

To Me

My sister got these shirts for the three grandkids when my mom celebrated a milestone birthday this summer.  Thought we could get a bit more mileage out of them today.  (Milo's says "Grandma."  Don't imagine your average toddler finds many occasions to wear that kind of shirt.)  But anyway, happy birthday to me.

Desired picture outcomes: 1) Austin smiling 2) Esther smiling
3) "Happy birthday" visible on shirts.
Actual outcome:  "Happy birthday" visible on shirts.
I knew I was asking a lot.
I don't have any particularly special birthday thoughts, except that these days when I read about a celebrity/athlete, etc. in his or her thirties, I first think "older than me," then go "Oh wait..."  But really, I feel so blessed with each birthday I reach.  As God has grown my heart for those in other parts of the world, Haiti in particular, I see keenly how being a healthy thirty-one year old is something to be thankful for, not regretted.  Thank you, Father, for giving me more gifts than I deserve every day of the year.

Bonus time: since the picture above didn't have quite the level of cuteness I was going for, here are some extras from today and yesterday.

I turned the camera screen around so Esther could see herself.
She loved it, needless to say.

This awesome look is made better by the word on
his shirt, don't you think?


Lenexicon said...

Happy Birthday, Courtney! Good thinking, using the shirts! I think Milo's only worn "Grandma" one other time!

Grandma Susan said...

Perhaps we should add an "I heart" to Milo's Grandma shirt. That would make this Grandma happy!

Gran Collins said...

Cute!!!! Great idea!