Sunday, April 22, 2012

34 Weeks...Ready?

In the weeks before I was put on bedrest (i.e. when I still went out and saw people occasionally) I got asked a lot if we're ready to have our twins. Hmm...good question. Is one ever ready to add two newborns to a household that already includes small children? I think probably not.

But ready or not, they're coming soon. In a pregnancy that we have always known would not last a full 40 weeks, getting to 34 weeks has always been a goal, with 36 weeks like icing on the cake. (One post I read on a message board said 34 weeks with twins is like a bronze medal, 35 weeks a silver and 36 weeks is the gold. I like that analogy.) So here we are at 34 weeks! Two weeks or less to go.

In terms of equipment, clothes, etc. we are fairly prepared. We have yet to acquire a non-jogging double stroller but otherwise I think all major baby items are in our house already. We have two cribs and two pack n plays. Two exersaucers, one swing, a couple bouncy seats. My mom has spent hours organizing both baby and big kid clothes so that all four children's things fit neatly into the kids' closets and drawers. (Thanks, Mom!)

But a big question on my mind is, is my heart prepared to be a mommy of twins? I know this is going to be a season of exhaustion, busyness, and sacrifice for my kids like I have never experienced before. And I am by nature a selfish person. Praise God that through Christ He has not left me in my natural state! I will need His grace and mercy more than ever in the days to come. I have been slowly reading Loving the Little Years by Rachel Jankovic lately (slowly because there's so much to digest) and it has given me much insight into particular areas where I struggle and need/will need God's help as I parent (gulp!) four four-and-unders. Might even have to dedicate a blog post or two to some of the ideas rolling around in my head from that book. So good. If you have little ones, it's a must-read.

But for now it's time to lay down again...I am doing my best to be an obedient bed rest patient. :) Having (somewhat surprisingly to us) made it this far, I'm newly encouraged to do everything I can to keep the babies inside til 36 weeks. Going for the gold!

Two cribs! One of them is serving as a "safe-from-the-kids"
storage area at the moment but it will be ready when needed.

Look how nice Grandma made Esther's closet look!

1 comment:

Tanja said...

Psalm 4 verse 8: I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.

His Peace and Grace got me through the first months of having 3 kids 5 and under. You will sleep in peace not just from exhaustion, but from knowing He is right there with you!