Sunday, March 31, 2013


Easter clothes=mandatory photo ops, right? Not bad know how hard it is to get pictures of four wiggly kids! As I looked at the many, many shots we took, it struck me that there were some beautiful pictures of individual kids that were worth a little cropping time.

Austin, 4 years 11 months

Esther, 2 years 9 months

Joshua, 11 months

Jude, 11 months
We even got a pretty nice picture of the whole family, thanks to Aunt Megan!

Happy Resurrection Day! We are having a wonderful day around here celebrating our risen Savior. Traditions like eggs and Easter baskets are fun, but I have really been trying to include more focus on Jesus this year. We searched for and opened two Resurrection Eggs each evening this week and read the biblical accounts of Jesus' last week. (And the kids got to search for an extra egg with candy in it...that was a big hit of course.) Then today after lunch we put a different spin on our Easter baskets, an idea I got from Oh, Amanda. I'm not sure how much of an impression it made on Austin but hopefully some more seeds were planted. Read the post I linked to and the pictures will make a lot more sense.
Our baskets (previously full of rocks) now covered by Jesus' "blood," while
Jesus' basket has our rocks.

Our gifts...stuff we don't deserve but are freely given because someone
else paid a price, just like salvation.
One more picture, just because. It is crazy how often we find the twins in similar positions or doing similar gestures like they are here. Fun twin stuff!

1 comment:

Grandma Susan said...

Love the pictures of all of you. Miss you all and can't wait to see you in a few weeks! Hugs and kisses all around!!!