Friday, August 31, 2007

Cooking for a Crowd

We had the "Tubaphonium" crowd over to our house last night for a Back-to-School party. (Tubaphonium=tuba/euphonium ensemble) There were 21 students plus me and Zach. I've never cooked for more than six people at one time, so this was quite an adventure. I made fettuccine bolognese because pasta is relatively easy to cook for a crowd, plus huge amounts of salad, bread, and cookies. The kids seemed to have a good time, and Zach and I enjoyed entertaining a crowd in our home for the first time. We really desire for our home to be a place where we can share the love of Christ with Zach's students through hospitality and the testimony of our lives.

Thanks for the big pot, Ashley! I definitely need to invest in one of these for my own.

The cookies are just that good!

1 comment:

Ashley M said...


So glad that everything went well! Looks like quite a crowd. So glad the pot was useful :)