Sunday, August 26, 2007

The search continues

Zach and I have been in Indiana for a month now and we still are not sure which church we will call home. We have visited four churches so far and each has strengths and weaknesses. Today we went to Faith Orthodox Presbyterian. The people were the friendliest of any church we've been to and the preaching was good. From what we've learned, Orthodox Presbyterian churches have very solid, Calvinistic doctrine that we agree with except they practice infant baptism. We strongly disagree with that, so we wonder if it would be a problem in the future when we have kids but don't want them baptized as babies. We miss Grace so much!


Lenexicon said...

Hi Courtney. I like checking your blog for updates and whatnot. It's like I'm right there with you. Will you write a post about Zach's new job? I'd like to hear how it's going!

Drollingers said...

Hi Courtney, I am so glad you are doing a blog. It really is a great way to keep in touch. We'll be praying for you as you search for a church. I know it is one of the most important things and yet one of the hardest. Your house looks great. Very warm and welcoming.