Monday, December 24, 2007

Cinnamon Rolls!

Christmas Eve in the Jones house means one thing: cinnamon rolls. Every Christmas morning for years my Grandma Irene served cinnamon rolls for breakfast when the family gathered at her house. Before she died my mom watched her make them and wrote out the recipe for the first time--Grandma didn't need a recipe. Now my mom continues to make cinnamon rolls for our Christmas brunch. It's a long process, with multiple rises and all the work of rolling out the dough, but by this time in the evening the house smells amazing and we can hardly wait for tomorrow morning, knowing what a treat is waiting for us!

Mixing the dough

Kneading in the flour

The dough before it rises

The risen dough

Rolled-out dough with LOTS of butter

Lots of butter deserves lots of brown sugar

Rolling up the dough

Slicing the dough and arranging the rolls in the pan

The finished product!


sandy shoes said...

Those look REALLY good.

My mother's "tradition" was to make the cinnamon rolls from the Pillsbury tube on Christmas morning. Maybe I've gotten better taste over the years, and/or maybe Pillsbury has changed their formula for them, but They. Are. Terrible.

Drollingers said...

Is it a family secret? Or can you give out the recipe?

Lindsey said...

I'd love to know the recipe as well if you are willing and able to share. I have never made cinnamon rolls but in the past couple years have gotten over my fear of working with yeast, so I think I could manage these. The pictures are excellent! Is that you making them, or your mom?