Thursday, February 14, 2008


I think Zach and I were Made For Each Other, as the little girl in Sleepless in Seattle would say. Of course today is not the first time I have thought that, but being Valentine's Day it's been on my mind. I really cannot imagine another human being complementing me as well as he does. He gets my sense of humor. He shares my love of chocolate and other sweet goodies. He rubs my big belly and tells me I am beautiful. He hasn't moved downstairs to the guest bed despite the fact that between me and my pillows, sleeping with me must be like being in bed with a baby elephant. A baby elephant who rolls over a lot, taking his blankets with her. In short, he is just about perfect. I am so thankful that God gave him to me as my precious husband.

Zach and I decided to make dinner together to celebrate our sixth Valentine's Day as a married couple, and our last one as a family of two. We have cooked most years rather than go out; it's something we really enjoy doing together and especially now that we live in Indiana, our going out options are kind of limited. We made Pork and Apricot Ravioli with an Apricot and White Wine Sauce. It was quite tasty. The sauce was really sweet but it paired nicely with the savory pork in the ravioli. I remember now why we don't make homemade ravioli very often, though: it is a lot of work! I was pretty tired of standing at the stove by the end and actually had to sit down while Zach worked on the sauce for a while. I think all our efforts were worthwhile, though. It is a nice feeling to end up with a beautiful, delicious meal that you can share with the one you love.

Zach making the ravioli

Ready to eat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Courtney, it's so funny you mention Sleepless in Seattle--we probably haven't watched that movie for 8 years, but we watched it last night (as we sat at home pathetically eating tuna fish and soup since we've all been miserably sick since Sunday!) I had forgotten the movie even had anything to do with Valentine's Day, so it was kind of a fun coincidence we decided to watch it last night :)