Monday, August 25, 2008

Exciting Things

1. Austin has slept through the night (8pm-6:30 or 7am) twice in the last week. The first time I attributed it to being extra sleepy on account of his vaccinations, but last night was the real deal! He fussed a few times around 1:30 and 5:30 but we left him alone and he fell back asleep. What bliss!

2. I tried on a pre-pregnancy skirt yesterday on a whim and it fit! Perhaps a little snugger than it was a year ago, but it definitely fit. This particular skirt (tan, knee-length, corduroy) was one of my very favorites and I have been so sad at the thought that I might not be able to wear it again. I decided to go through my closet and try on other pants and skirts I've been ignoring. Many things are still too tight but I found a few things I can wear. This has made me so happy...I don't really mind being a few pounds heavier than I used to be but I have been missing my cute clothes!

3. Zach went back to work today so he got up at 6am. I followed through with my intention of getting up with him and I was able to work out for 3o minutes before Austin woke up. If I can stick with that plan, perhaps more old clothes will be able to make their way back to my wardrobe a little sooner.


Lenexicon said...

Way to go on being such a dedicated exerciser! I've never been able to wake myself up enough to get in an effective workout first thing in the morning. I'm so impressed. :)

Anonymous said...

Wooooo-whee times three!

Love, Jamie