Thursday, August 21, 2008

Four-Month Checkup

For the record, at the doctor today Austin weighed exactly 17 pounds and is 25 inches long. I saw Mrs. Dr. Jabir for the first time (I've seen Mr. Dr. Jabir at previous visits--they have a practice together) and liked her just as much as her husband. We talked about starting Austin on solids--I think we'll be doing that very soon. And of course the not-so-fun part: Austin got another round of shots. He did very well...I think it helped that he was already kind of tired so he fell asleep as soon as we got in the car and is still napping now. So all in all, we are blessed with a very healthy baby boy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the vital statistics!  He is sure growing!  And, we are so thankful for his healthiness!  God is so good!  I hope he has a good night and doesn't experience any problems from his shots!  Gran and Pops send our love!